Pest Management Chatbot for Lygus



Innovation in Action
The DxHub team, through the use of the Amazon Working Backwards process, gained a deep understanding of factors that drive pest management decisions for strawberry growers. While exploring the farmer’s perspective, it came to light that (1) farmers rely on word of mouth, Pest Control Advisors (PCA), and on-field scouting to react to lygus bug infestations; (2) practices vary across farms, based on individual needs; and (3) the lygus bug responds biologically to different environmental conditions. With this in mind, the team refined their focus to effectively distribute customized practices tailored to individual farmer’s needs, using technology that is accessible in the field. This led to the idea of a chatbot, capable of working via SMS (text message) and voice. Additionally, to better scope this prototype, the solution would focus specifically on advising the best practices, based on Best Management Practices to Improve Bug Vacuum: a well-known, published article from the California Strawberry Commission which describes the ideal conditions and times to be operating the vacuum.

Supporting Documents
Press Release & Frequently Asked Questions | During the Innovation Workshop, a fictional Press Release and nonfictional Frequently Asked Questions are drafted. This is a tool that is used to define the solution and why it matters to the customer. |
Storyboard | A series of frames designed to illustrate the problem and the impact of the solution visually. |
Architecture Diagram | A diagram that describes the technical components needed to implement the solution. |
UI/UX Mockup | A demonstration of the UI/UX for the prototype. |
Setup Instructions | Setup document for the prototype. |
Source Code | All of the code and assets developed during the course of creating a prototype. |
About the DxHub
The Cal Poly Digital Transformation Hub (DxHub) is a strategic relationship with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is the world’s first cloud innovation center supported by AWS on a University campus. The primary goal of the DxHub is to provide real-world problem-solving experiences to students by immersing them in the application of proven innovation methods in combination with the latest technologies to solve important challenges in the public sector. The challenges being addressed cover a wide variety of topics including homelessness, evidence-based policing, digital literacy, virtual cybersecurity laboratories and many others. The DxHub leverages the deep subject matter expertise of government, education and non-profit organizations to clearly understand the customers affected by public sector challenges and develops solutions that meet the customer needs.