Transforming Customers’ Experience in Launching Rockets at the Western Range

The United States Western Range located at Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) near Lompoc, California is one of two critical space launch facilities in the United States. Operated by the United States Space Force (USSF), the Western Range represents critical space lift capability to ensure that United States’ military interests maintain superiority over potential adversaries. To drive this mission, the Western Range is looking to rapidly modernize range capabilities while improving the launch experience for commercial launch providers. The aim is to accelerate time to launch and reduce the cost of launch to the commercial space providers while maintaining the operational rigor the Western Range is known for.

Innovation in Action

Supporting Documents
Fictitious Press Release & Frequently Asked Questions | During the Innovation Workshop, a fictional Press Release and nonfictional Frequently Asked Questions are drafted. This is a tool that is used as a vision document to define the solution and why it matters. |
UI/UX Mockup (pdf) UI/UX Mockup (clickable) | An example of the user interface that demonstrates the solution. |
About the DxHub
Cal Poly’s Digital Transformation Hub (DxHub) was one of the earliest collaborations between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and an educational institution focused on innovation and digital transformation. While providing students with real-world learning experiences, the DxHub applies proven innovation methodologies in combination with the deep subject matter expertise of the public sector and the technical expertise of AWS to solve challenging problems in ways not contemplated before. For more information, visit